Nimisha Roy
Faculty, College of Computing, Georgia Tech
I am a Lecturer in the School of Computing Instruction (SCI) in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. I am also an instructor in the OMSA program at Georgia Tech. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computational Science and Engineering from Georgia Tech in December 2021 under the supervision of Dr. David Frost. My Ph.D. thesis, funded by US National Science Foundation, focused on characterizing the three-dimensional pore space architecture of particulate materials and its applications in the mechanics of geomaterials in their natural and biocemented states under static and dynamic loading.
I teach undergraduate and graduate Computer Science courses at Georgia Tech and perform research in computing education and computational geotechnics. I have advised around 10 BS, MS and Ph.D. students. Overall my research areas include Gen-AI and Sustainability in Computing Education; Scientific Computing; and AI in Infrastructure Resilience. I have published my work in over 25 peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and book chapters.
Take a look at my CV for more information about me.